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Monitor Calibration


To view these pictures correctly you may need to adjust your monitor settings.  Ideally, you should use a monitor calibration product such as the X-rite i1Display2 calibrator.  Windows 7 users can also use the Display Color Calibration software that is built-in to the operating system.


Alternatively, you can use the following procedure.


1. Switch on your computer/monitor and leave it to warm up for 30 to 60 minutes.


2. Make sure your monitor is in 32 bit (true colour) mode, or at least in 24 bit (high-colour) mode. (Right-click the desktop, select 'Properties' ... 'Settings tab'. Adjust the colour setting). 


3. Adjust your monitor's brightness and contrast controls so you can see a distinct difference between each of the the following grayscale blocks.  In particular, you should be able to see a difference between the first two light blocks and the last two dark blocks.




4. Next, adjust your system gamma so you can detect the small squares within the larger squares of the following array. Gamma settings can sometimes be set from within your imaging editing software and for PCs, a gamma setting of 2.2 is normally required.

N.B.  If you can't find a gamma control on your PC, don't worry, it's probably set to the right level already.  




5. That's it.  You are now ready to view the images.


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